Ayurveda Health Consultation w/ Dr. Vijay Murthy

One-on-One Call

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Schedule a private one-to-one health consultation with Dr. Vijay Murthy, Ayurveda Physician~

Select a time and date based on mutual convenience.


Ayurveda Health Consultation w/ Dr. Vijay Murthy

One-on-One Call

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The Murthy Clinic, using Ayurveda in conjunction with Functional medicine, helps you discover the root cause of your health problem to deliver true health transformation.

Dr. Vijay Murthy is the Director of the Murthy Clinic. An Ayurveda medical physician, he advocates Ayurveda and Functional medicine to decipher the root cause of your health problem. His time-tested approach delivers successful results with long-term health transformation.

Based in Marylebone, London, UK, Dr. Vijay Murthy combined cutting edge scientific techniques, tests and protocols to enable you to take action, transform your health and make positive changes in all aspects of your lifestyle. Dr. Vijay Murthy is on the Medical Board of Advisors to the Wise Earth School of Ayurveda, Ltd, a non-profit based in the US.


The Murthy Clinic works with You to evaluate root causes in health problems enabling You to Re-Create Health. The process of reconstructing Health from the inside out considers Your genetic pre-disposition, nutrition, lifestyle, environment and toxic load. Health is achieved using a targeted approach using both Ayurveda and Functional medicine to Re-Create Your Health.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the consultation session and what are the fees?
The interactive consultation with Dr. Murthy is 45 minutes long, and the fees are $160.00 USD, a special rate being offered to Wise Earth School's advocates. Once you have enrolled and booked in on this site, you will be sent a confirmation and email contact to book your appointment with Dr. Vijay Murthy.
How does the interactive call happen?
First, you book your consultation by clicking on the enroll button. This link takes you to the Check Out Page where you will then pay for your private session. Once you have successfully checked out, you will be provided with an email confirmation that gives you direct access to Dr. Vijay Murthy with whom you will setup/confirm your appointed time/date. Dr. Murthy uses a live video/chat service to facilitate your call.
Will the call be recorded?
Yes, the call will be recorded. But if you wish to have a copy of your consultation, you will need to let Dr. Murthy know in advance. His office will then arrange to send/email you a digital copy of your call.
What if I want a follow up call?
You are welcome to schedule another call with Dr. Murthy!
What if I am not satisfied with the call?
We hope this will not be the case and, if so, we are very sorry you did not feel satisfied or supported. In which case, we welcome your feedback. Kindly address it to our WSM Course Admin in charge. Please do understand that we cannot refund your money.
What if something goes wrong with the call and I am not able to connect with Dr. Murthy?
You will have an opportunity to reschedule with Dr. Murthy at no additional expense.
More Information on Dr. Vijay Murthy and his Work~
For More Information on Dr. Vijay Murthy, here is his website: https://murthyclinic.com

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